Toowoomba 2024 Entry Submission

A separate form is required for each entry. Exhibit envelopes are the responsibility of the exhibitor.

The Secretary must receive the entry form, payment and draft title page no later than Monday 29 July 2024

All exhibits forwarded by post must be received by Tuesday 8 October 2024

By entering an exhibit using this form, you declare the following to be true:

  1. You agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of TOOWOOMBA 2024, as set out in the Prospectus.
  2. You confirm that all items in the exhibit are your own property.
  3. You consent to the entry details and results being added to the APF Exhibition database.

(* denotes required field)

     Your Details:

     * Surname:   * Given name:      If youth entry, enter DOB:
     * Address:   * Postcode:
     * Email:
     * Preferred phone number:

     * Do you agree to scan your exhibit and allow it to be displayed on the exhibition website until 30 April 2025?   (further details)

     Particulars of the Entry:

     * Class:

     * Title of Exhibit:

     * Description for the Exhibition catalogue (between 20 and 50 words):

     * Return of exhibit is to be by:   

     Awards at previous State or National Exhibitions:

     * Is this a new exhibit:

     Exhibition:    Year:    Points:
     Exhibition:    Year:    Points:
     Exhibition:    Year:    Points:
     Exhibition:    Year:    Points:


          * Frame Fee:   ($60 per frame)
     Return Postage:   (if applicable)
                Donation:   (Thank You!)
                    * Total:

     * Method of Payment:

     If paying by Direct Credit, our bank details are -
     BSB: 638-010  Account: 11286784  Name: Toowoomba Stamp Club Inc.  Reference: ET24 followed by your name.
     If paying by Credit Card, please phone or email the Secretary to give details (your name as on the card, card number, expiry date and CCV).
     If paying by Cheque, please post your cheque to the Secretary.
     (contact details for the Secretary are on the Contact Us page.)

     Please check all the information is correct before clicking the "Submit" button.

     You will receive an email confirming you have sent this Entry Registration.